My lifestyle: 


  • No chemicals, no body hygiene products, no teeth brushing, no shampoo, .. 
  • Sleeping early and on a very hard surface, always getting enough sleep
  • gentle yoga, walking, climbing
  • Planting a good part of my own food
  • Using only a mixer and mechanical devices (sprouter, spiralizer, juicer)
  • Doing a flexible job that fits my lifstyle
  • A garden to grow vegetables and fruits and to catch some sun.
  • Working on the objective that all children may eat raw and vegan <3 <3 <3


I hereby seek to answer questions what I suggest for someone interested in moving on to/ on the detox path... becoming clearer and more fulfilled:


On to a RAW Vegan Fruitarian... LIFE <3

To me regarding nourishment I do no excuses. I am fully raw vegan fruitarian, 100% (that means that I am also sensitive even to dustsised bits of non-raw substances, I stay away not only from chemicals but also from most unnatural substances, smells, noise, visual overload as well).

The path was first to decide that I wanted to do it by all means. 

I decided in 2013 that this would be THE path and went fully raw early 2014.

I gathered all information available online. First step was to find out what was meant for me and to believe and what not. I quickly filtered out what was most important:
- eat fully raw or the path gets too difficult and needlessly complicated
- do respect combination rules and 80-10-10 principles
- do respect that lifestyle changes will come and need to be embraced
- do place outdated belief systems behind (mine were: "I must save on food, I must eat out to socialize, I must not care about my nourishment that much, and: I need to supplement my health and nourishment alone won't help!")

In the first few months I put a lot of effort in the art of raw food and prepared cookies and bought also a number of raw products I did not know before. I organized some food-events. Then I went for a seasonal job where I learned to eat once or twice per day, with sporting activity, ± 5000 kcal / day for several weeks. I learned at the end of the season (approximately after one year), that - my body was changing, I got stronger and more musculous and my social life started changing drastically, I lost interest in many contacts and many contacts "shy away" from my rapid changes that came with the detox path and my vibrant health.  After 18 months I stopped using personal hygiene products and detached from civilized life for three months completely and for another 15 months I lived offgrid and only partly connected to civilization.

After three years I returned to a regular life of writing, publishing, research, minimalism - that is served blissfully by a fruitarian diet - and offering support for detox  and healing.


I recommend...  to eat a lot of bananas, they are good for us. When you are proceeded and fully raw, start then just to care about whether you like to substitute them with local fruits. Eat a lot of greens.


  • Do eat porridge from sprouted buckwheat, chia, other sprouts and dates and other fruit, if you enjoy, they give you a lot of fuel.
  • Respect the process of errors and learning but stick to your goal. Don't ever give up.
  • If the detox is too fast, eat more salad and fats in the evening to come down.
  • Read a lot of - good - literature online and books and definitely connect with those who are likeminded.

To all the raw "teachers" and raw pioneers! 


Da ich von Euch allen sehr viel gelernt und verstanden habe, und Ihr mir während meiner schwierigsten Zeiten, sehr oft als einziges Anker und Licht beigestanden habt und oft sehr geduldig angehört und begleitet habt. Ich bin vielleicht manchmal eine sehr anstrengende Schülerin gewesen, die Euch öfter mal aus dem ganzen Repertoire von Schwierigkeiten aufgesucht hat, die mir womöglich niemand als Ihr hätte tolerieren und respektieren können und Ihr habt mich durch diese ganze Zeit mit Eurer wundervollen Kraft und Engangement getragen. Ich stehe und werde bestimmt noch lang tief in Eurer Schuld stehen und mir ein Beispiel an Eurer makellosen Art und Geduld nehmen. Danke und ich wünsche Euch das Allerbeste für Eure ganze Zukunft und alles Glück, was Ihr Euch wünschen und träumen könnt. Segne Euch das göttliche Universum. Danke für diesen Weg, den ich sehr schätzen gelernt habe.

Since I have learned a lot from all of you, and you have helped me during my hardest times, very often as the only anchor and light and have often listened very patiently and accompanied my storms peacefully. I may have sometimes been a very demanding student who often came to you from the whole repertoire of difficulties that no one else could have tolerated and respected, and you have carried me through all this time with your wonderful strength and commitment. I stand and will certainly remain honoring you for ever to set an example of your impeccable nature and patience. Thank you and I wish you the very best for your whole future and all the happiness you can wish for and dream. Bless the divine universe. Thank you for this path, which I have come to appreciate. <3 Bless U!